Friday, August 5, 2016

Reflective Journal: REGRET

 Grade 10-Katarungan                                                                                                        July 22, 2016  

According to Psychology, regret is a negative cognitive/emotional state that involves blaming ourselves for a bad outcome, feeling a sense of loss or sorrow at what might have been or wishing we could undo a previous choice that we made. 
We feel sad after an act that had been done which resulted in a manner that was contrary to what we wish for. Like what had happened to me last week, I was so disappointed with my performance on how to do with my weekly requirements in this subject (English). They (requirements) were not only submitted on time but they were also presented with incorrect format, so I got a low score which I deserved. My fault was I did not use my time effectively. Now I do realize the importance of Time Management. If only I had done using this plan maybe things turn out differently. I have to use my time now rationally. I should reduce my time watching movies, playing computer games, and chatting/surfing the internet etc. The next time around I will do improve my productivity by identifying priorities in terms of importance and urgency then work for it. Time is so precious.

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