Thursday, August 4, 2016

Reflective Journal: CHANGE

Grade 10                                                                                                                                July 8, 2016

Reflective Journal no. 1


I chose to use caterpillar and butterfly to represent change because they are a symbol of rebirth and a transformation of change: meaning out with the old and in with the new. Just like a caterpillar must go through several growth and development before it can become a beautiful butterfly, caterpillar was once unattractive, over time developed itself into something marvelous to the human eye. So this goes to demonstrate to us that with time, self-improvement, dedication, commitment, and diligence, we too can resurrect ourselves and change or make a major transformation or makeover in our lives. 
For me change is evident, even before I had been enrolling for my grade 10, I already began planning and trying to do something for a change. It was on my first day to attend my class this year that my plan came into a realization. I woke up very early in the morning during that time and arrived at school much earlier before the flag ceremony began. The way I interacted with everyone especially my classmates was something good. My approached in life became positive and it was fulfilling on my part.
I felt good about what is happening in my life nowadays because I found it easier for me to get along well with everybody than it was before. Collecting good friends can’t only make you happy but also serves as an extension of yourself. Friends can help you in so may things and in so many ways.

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