Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Dark Knight

I.                    TITLE OF THE MOVIE
The Dark Knight
II.                  TITLE OF THE EPISODE
III.                NAME OF THE DIRECTOR
Christopher Edward Nolan (/ˈnoʊlən/; born July 30, 1970) is an English-American film director, screenwriter, and producer. He is one of the highest-grossing directors in history, and among the most successful and acclaimed filmmakers of the 21st century.
IV.                SETTING
A.      PLACE
·         Gotham City- the main setting of the story is located on Gotham City, because almost all of the significant events happened, to cite one: at the beginning of the joker’s gang robbed a bank and the name of that bank is Gotham First National Bank based on my research.
·         Hong Kong- When Mr. Fox and Mr. Wayne went to Hong Kong to go after Mr. Lau and Mr. Fox (and brought them to Gotham  and turned over to the police) Mr. Fox was assisted by the receptionist of Mr. Fox establishment, to cite: “Welcome to Hong Kong Mr. Fox!” the VP said.
V.                  MAIN CHARACTERS
Bruce Wayne/Batman- A very resilient person inspired by his love for Gotham and the death of his parents, to attest his identity, here is the dialogue that transpired between him and Alfred, who is the Wayne’ family butler.
Alfred:  Know your limits Master Wayne.
Bruce: Batman has no limits.
 Alfred: Well, you do, sir.
Bruce: I can’t afford to know them.
Joker, a vile criminal who is very intelligent and manipulative; all of his actions are well planned thus he is able to escape and off the hook.
Harvey Dent, Gotham’s new District Attorney who is a determined person and he wants to take down Gotham’s organized crime even in the hardest way. Later on he was turned by the Joker and became a villain thus his saying became true “You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
VI.                SUMMARY
Gotham's new district attorney has been elected. His name is Harvey Dent, and he has a radical new agenda that threatens to take down Gotham's organized crime underworld once and for all with an iron fist. But the emergence of the rogue vigilante known as Batman has caused problems for Dent and his agenda. A new criminal mastermind known only as "The Joker" has arrived and aims to take Gotham out from under Harvey Dent's iron fist. The Joker stages a masterfully planned bank robbery and robs the Gotham mob blind. He uses this money to stage a series of horrific and strategic attacks against the city and its people - each one carefully planned and aimed at Dent and Batman while causing the rest of the city to enter panic mode. Meanwhile, Batman thinks he might have found a lead to The Joker thanks to Wayne Enterprises' dealings with a shady Chinese banker, and that takes Batman and Mr. Fox to Hong Kong. The Joker has no rules, but Batman has only one, and the Joker aims to make Batman break his only rule. Later on Harvey was turned and became the ace in the hole of Joker driven by being heartbroken and his saying became true “You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
VII.              LESSON LEARNED
I learned that it is important for a man not to abuse his being witty. Unlike Joker, he uses it deceitfully. Intelligence makes a man. It brings comfort, wealth, good fortune, character and a lot of good things which for the betterment of one’s life.  But if ever we are going to use this intelligence irrationally which Joker, the antagonist opted, it gives headache, trouble, misery etc.  in return.  There is no argument truly about the Law of Compensation which is also known as Reap what you Sow. Still Golden Rule is the best guide that we have to embrace, it says, Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you.

Movies about Super Heroes are truly amazing. Like in this particular character, he is the defender of the oppressed. He gives justice for those who are underprivileged. It is so uplifting for anyone to be in his shoes.  Helping people without even knowing them deserves respect and admiration. If I have a chance to be one like them I would exactly do the same things what they already had been done. How I wish to be of service to humanity.

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